Take our virtual tour!

We know how important it is to get a better sense of the school before enrolling! Take a look around SOAR with our new virtual tour.

2020-2021 School Year Registration

Online registration only this year. Only for students who are already enrolled in SOAR and students who had been newly accepted to SOAR through the Choice and Enrollment Process.

Dear SOAR families,

Given our current health crisis and restrictions; our summer registration sessions have been moved to an online system. This means that all of the paperwork that you normally complete in-person, will now be completed online. We have determined it best to start registration early, while families have Chromebooks at home and access to the internet.

Very important:

  • An online registration is required for every student.
  • Students who do not complete the online registration will lose their enrollment at SOAR.
  • The deadline to complete the registration is 4 PM on Friday, May 22nd.
  • Beginning immediately on Tuesday, May 25th we will beginning contacting students from our waitlist to fill spots for unregistered students. 

Click here to complete your registration.

Please contact Araceli Quezada-Rodriguez, SOAR Office Manager at aquezada@soardenver.org if you need any assistance with enrollment, including help with changing schools.

Thank you and we hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.